In today’s largely globalized economy, the importance of languages continues to grow in businesses. Whether it is to develop internationally or simply to facilitate communication within increasingly cosmopolitan teams, mastering one or more languages is indeed a major strategic issue for today’s organizations.
To meet this need, organizing language tests within the company initially allows the language skills of employees and collaborators to be assessed. And then to offer adapted solutions in terms of training and management (recruitment, mobility, promotion).
Today, all languages are important in business
Fluency in one or more languages is an asset in the professional world. And not just in the private sector. In 2003, a survey on the linguistic practices of 500 French companies working internationally already showed that English was the language spoken by approximately nine out of ten of their non-French-speaking customers and that half of them considered that the English is one of the key factors for international success.
Although English is generally the international language of the company, other languages such as French, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, German, Chinese, Japanese are also increasingly used in the organizations.
This is particularly true in large international groups. It must be said that knowing how to speak the language of the country with which you are working is often a positive guarantee in terms of business. We are thinking in particular about China, but we also mention all the emerging countries. Thus, in the study “What languages do we speak in companies in France?” this is what an executive of a large French group explains: “I know companies where people speak English, everywhere, whatever the country. We couldn’t, because at some point, if we want to work well with our consumers, we can only reach them with their language, in the first place to understand them. There is great care in preserving each local language, and French is one of them. For example, I speak Spanish and when I go to Mexico I do as many of the interviews as possible in Spanish. If I spoke Russian, I would do the same .”
Beyond this testimony, we understand that mastering one or more foreign languages is a major asset for the company. Employees who master several languages are able to learn more about the competition, put in place an effective communication strategy, communicate better with each other, etc. In short, language skills multiply the possibilities and opportunities.
Assessment of language level: a step that has become essential
Whatever languages it wishes to use to develop its business and make its employees work, a company must first assess the state of the art within its teams. This step involves the organization of tests to measure the language skills of employees and collaborators.
At Bright Language, we have worked for over 20 years with a large number of companies such as Total, BNP Paribas, Safran, Manpower, Valéo or Solvay, etc. All of them have chosen to work with us for recruitment and training.
The objective is to provide them with a range of quality tests adapted to their needs and in a very varied range of languages. Thus, we offer tests in 11 different languages.
Regarding our Bright tests, each Bright test consists of 2 parts to assess skills (correlated to CEFR levels) ranging from grammar to structure through oral comprehension. These tests were developed in the form of multiple choice questions, with 2 modules of 60 questions per module.
Regarding how to set up language tests in companies, the possibilities that exist today also offer real flexibility for those in the professional world. Thus, the assessment sessions can take place in an approved center or on the premises of the company, according to the wishes of the management.
It is important that companies can be responsive and adapt to the most diverse situations.
At Bright Language, for example, to respect the social distance measures imposed by the health crisis, we developed Bright Secure, a solution allowing remote monitoring of language tests.
In conclusion
Let’s say it again. Today, language proficiency is a major subject for businesses. To support them on this path, language tests remain the essential first step.
Language tests must in particular enable companies to assess the ability of their employees to use a language in a large number of professional situations (daily exchanges, publication of job offers, drafting of emails, creation of reports / invoices / company newsletter…). It is also a way for them to ensure that the recruited employees can communicate effectively with the other members of their teams.
This is exactly what we offer at Bright Language. Eligible for the CPF in France and valid for 2 years, our tests have been designed with the spirit pursued by companies: speed, reliability, and efficiency.
And because today’s students will be the employees of tomorrow, at Bright Language, we also support training organizations, universities, business and engineering schools to easily assess the language level of their candidates. … Always through tools that are easy to use and adapted to each professional need.
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