The Bright Language solution is objective, reliable, multilingual and allows administration of tests in total autonomy by schools or with the support and guidance of Bright Language.
Confirm the language proficiency of your candidates
Assess your candidates with complete autonomy and objectivity. Tests results are correlated with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Validate the academic diploma
Bright Language certification will allow your students to certify their language proficiency in English, or other languages by taking a standardized and reliable test.
Optimize the international students’ selection process
Assess large number of students at the same time, either in place or remotely invigilated with Bright Secure, and receive their results on the same day.
Bright tests are perfectly suited for students of Engineering Schools because they are also used by their potential first employers such as Safran, Air France, Framatome, Airbus, Orano, etc.
Assess candidates in 11 languages
Bright Secure allows the candidate to take the certification remotely and invigilated
Internationally recognized
Bright tests are used by many Universities and Vocational Training Centers in Europe and North America for the admission of foreign students.
Secure remote testing
Bright Secure allows the candidate to take the certification remotely and invigilated